Young Drivers and Alcohol

Alcohol Problems

Young Drivers and Alcohol

Young drivers are represented in alcohol related driving accidents. Although drinking, and alcohol related crashes are on the increase in our country Kenya among young people, specific actions are recommended to further reduce traffic accidents involving alcohol.


We need to reduce Drugging and Driving

For safe driving, never use illegal drugs. Illicit drugs are involved in a large proportion of driving accidents, injuries and deaths. Marijuana and other drugs reduce coordination, reaction time, and other abilities required to drive safely. In the case of marijuana, this impairment lasts as long as 24 hours after smoking just one joint

We need to improve Driver Education

Prospective drivers should be taught adequate information on alcohol and driving and they should be tested on this material on their driver’s exams.

Other Measures

We need to increase Safe Driving

Don’t drive when fatigued. The dangers posed when fatigued are similar to those when intoxicated. Drunk or fatigued drivers both have slowed reactions and impaired judgment. Drivers who drift off cause most deaths and injuries in our roads. Drowsy driving is a major problem for young people, especially males 18 to 25, because they tend not to get enough sleep.

Don’t use a car phone, apply make-up, comb your hair, or eat while driving. Drivers using car phones have about the same chance of having an accident as driving drunk! And hands-free cell phones are just as dangerous to use while driving.

Avoid driving late on weekends. Alcohol-related driving accidents are much more likely to occur at night and on weekends.


The Problem

Young people are represented in driving accidents involving alcohol. This is because over 50% of our population are young people. This are the working class and have access to alcohol. young people are also over-represented in drinking driver injuries and deaths. Even when their blood alcohol contents (BACs) are not high, young drinkers are involved in driving accidents at higher rates than older drivers with similar BACs.

Teens and other young people may be over-represented in drunk driving accidents because, in part, they tend to

  1.     be relatively inexperienced drivers
  2.     be relatively inexperienced consumers of alcohol
  3.     be more likely to use illegal drugs
  4.     have a false sense of invincibility and immortality

Tasks Ahead

With drinking abuse, including drunk driving, is increasing dramatically among young people, much remains to be done. Too many young people are still needlessly killed or injured as a result of drinking and driving.

We need to reduce Drinking and Driving

Social Pressure is very effective in reducing drunk driving

  1. Never condone or approve of intoxication.
  2. Don’t ever let your friends drive after drinking. Take away their keys, have them stay the night, have them ride home with someone else, or do whatever else is necessary – but don’t let them drive!

Designated Driver Programs save lives

  1. Volunteer to be a designated driver. It could save your life and the lives of your friends
  2. It’s important to realize that inexperienced drinkers become intoxicated with much less alcohol than do experienced drinkers and are much more likely to have traffic accidents after consuming small amounts alcohol.

Graduated penalties for driving with higher BACs could saved lives

 Faster speeders get higher speeding fines and higher blood alcohol contents (BACs) should get higher penalties.